EECO Asks Why Podcast
EECO Asks Why Podcast
099. Hero - Chris Luecke, Host of Manufacturing Happy Hour
What happens when you mix passions of manufacturing, rock bands, adult beverages and seriously amazing content? You get an industry leading show called Manufacturing Happy Hour and it's stellar host Chris Luecke. In this episode Chris steps away from being a host and shares his personal story with us. At his time at Rockwell Automation he was always trying to find ways to change the game and did so through many videos that helped many people understand about some of the changing technologies in industry. He added a coolness factor to that by doing it over a pint of various beers and from there his leading podcast was born.
He made the jump to full time in his new adventure in 2020 and is helping industry find new ways to spread their messages and create content that makes an impact. He talks about the need of marketers to become salespeople and vice versa to really help others the most.
Chris shares about some of his personal passions such as punk rock an how much music means to him. He's also a HUGE roller coaster junkie and talks about some of his favorite coasters that will get your heart racing. We learned a ton about Chris in the lightning round and his personal why was outstanding. He wants to help people create! He's doing a phenomenal job of that and we thoroughly enjoyed talking with our hero in this conversation.
We highly encourage all the EECO Asks Why listeners to subscribe to Manufacturing Happy Hour and check out the great conversations Chris is creating weekly.
Guest: Chris Luecke - Host of Manufacturing Happy Hour
Host: Chris Grainger
Executive Producer: Adam Sheets
Audio/Video Editing: Andi Thrower
Resources for connecting with Chris and Manufacturing Happy Hour:
Manufacturing Happy Hour Website
C. Luecke: 00:00
I want to help people create the things that have always been inside of them waiting to get out. For me, podcasting has been a great medium for that, but I feel like a lot of people have a hobby or a dream or something they've always wanted to do in their career, something they've always wanted to create that for whatever reason, they just haven't done it yet. I want to help people get business results. I want to help people bring in new clients, that's all part of the game, but I also want to help people create content and create solutions that they're proud of. I think that's my why.
Chris: 00:36 Welcome to EECO Asks Why a podcast that dives into industrial manufacturing topics and spotlights heroes to keep America running. I'm your host, Chris Grainger. And on this podcast, we do not cover the latest features of benefits on products that come to market. Instead we focused on advice and insight from the top of minds of industry because people and ideas will be how America remaineds number one in manufacturing in the world.
Welcome to EECO Asks Why. Today we're having a hero conversation and I will say this is one of my personal heroes because I've learned so much from this guy. He is a maverick out there. He's doing some really awesome things. He's also the host of Manufacturing Happy Hour, which if you haven't started listening, I beg of you, start listening to this guy's show. He brings on some great guests, great content, and he's serving industry in a wonderful way. His name is Chris Luecke. How you doing Chris?
C. Luecke: 01:26
I'm great, Chris, thanks for having me on the show. And I could say a lot of those things right back at you, you do a wonderful job and it's an honor to be here on EECO Asks Why.
Chris: 01:34
Man this has been so much fun. We started talking a few months ago trying to figure out how to collaborate together. And it's just, it's so fun that we've actually met. We're making it happen now and bringing audiences together. And hopefully our audience will start following your content and information. Cause I tell you one thing whenever I wake up and it says there's a new episode of Manufacturing Happy Hour, man, that's a good day.
C. Luecke: 01:55
Yeah, hey man, I appreciate it. And, you hit on a great point right there. When someone asks me, how do I grow my podcast or something I'm like appear on other podcasts that have overlapping audiences, and I think a lot of people, if they're not already, cause I know some of them, we already have some mutual listeners, but hopefully some more people from the Manufacturing Happy Hour community come over your way and vice versa.
Chris: 02:16
There you go, man. Absolutely. And I just certainly appreciate you coming on and I love to start the hero episodes cause I'm just a storyteller and I love to hear good stories. And what about your personal journey, man? What led you to, Manufacturing Happy Hour and to where you're at right now?
C. Luecke: 02:31
Yeah, so great question. And in many ways, Manufacturing Happy Hour started out of necessity as much as passion and interest and trying to play to my strengths. So to give some background, I spent the first 11 years of my career at Rockwell Automation, working in sales worked as an account manager in Houston, Texas for the first half and then as an account manager out in the San Francisco Bay area for the second half. And to put that in a bit more context, when I was working in the Texas market, I was working with folks that had been at their companies for 20, 30 years, face-to-face meetings, handshakes, those were important.
The relationship aspect was a key part of selling in that market. You flip that on its head when you move out to the Bay area. And I think a lot of people have their. Visions of what it's like working in Silicon Valley, a bunch of 20 somethings, 30 somethings wearing hoodies typing away, right code.
And while that's certainly an over-exaggeration, there is some truth to it. I was moving to market where people jumped around to different companies a lot faster, and the decision makers were younger, 33 right now I was working with a lot of people that were my age that were calling the shots at the companies I was working with.
So I needed a way to reach that audience, sure. Face-to-face meetings still took place, but I had to just self-reflect and think, how do I, as a millennial consume content, I'm listening to podcasts, I'm watching videos, things like that. And the other part of that was.
So there's that necessity aspect. I'm like, if I'm going to reach my audience, I should start like a video series to get in front of them, but the other half of it was, I used to play in rock bands and things like that. Like cover bands nothing big at all, that was a hobby.
And I'd I hadn't done that performance element in a while. I'm like, "You know what? Some people are terrified to be an on camera. That's not really the case with me." I'm like, "I like jumping on camera and things like that." So I'm like yeah, If it's a necessity to get in front of my audience in front of my customers and it plays to my strengths in place. It's something I'm interested in. There's no reason I shouldn't start a video series. So one day I, it was a Saturday. I was at home. I poured a pint of beer and I recorded a video on my iPhone and sent it to some of my mentors in Rockwell. I'm like, "I have this idea about a video series where we discuss, a technology or a product or a trend in our industry over a cold one and we call it Manufacturing Happy Hour. What do you think?" And, I got the thumbs up, started doing it and the rest is history. There's more to that story, but man, that's how it started.
Chris: 04:57
No kidding. Okay. So I mean that initial pitch was a little video to some of your mentors there, and then you got the green light.
C. Luecke: 05:05
Yeah. It's funny cause here's my thought. I was thinking it's I should write an email to a couple people and see if they think this is a cool idea. I'm like, "Wait a second. I have an iPhone. Like I have all, I need to make a video." I actually propped my iPhone at the time, up on a selfie stick that I like stood fixed in place with some books surrounding it. I didn't have any equipment beyond what I already had in my pocket, but I'm like, "I'm going to shoot a video and pitch the idea that way." It just seemed like the more appropriate way to spin the idea of a video series. And since then it's evolved into a podcast and an online community and things like that, but it started as just a little video series. I recorded on my iPhone.
Chris: 05:45
Man. That is so cool, man. And then recently you made the leap to where you're really focusing a lot of your effort full-time right on your job from podcasts and content, things like that.
C. Luecke:
05:55 I am. Yeah. So I recently left Rockwell I guess it's been about three months ago and yeah it was just that point in my career. I'm grateful for all the opportunities Rockwell provided it ultimately provided me the springboard and the life lessons and the education to do what I'm doing now. You and I have talked before, there's some fulfillment I have in doing the podcast and helping other manufacturers, Create a more modern content creation game.
So in addition to doing the podcast, I'm helping out companies like Steamchain.io, for example, a really cool industrial startup that does Machine-As-A-Service. Won't get into that too much yet, but I'm helping them with their marketing efforts as well. So it's taken the lessons I've learned from the past four years of podcasting and video work, trying to find ways to, help more people in the industry with that experience.
Chris: 06:45
No doubt, man. I may. So making that jump full time was was it scary?
It's. Yes, I would be lying to say ifC. Luecke: 06:55 there was like, there wasn't a lot on my mind, but maybe I'll flip this answer a little bit on its head, because I think I had been doing the video series for about three, four years.
So it's not like it's something that I had just created and was, I hadn't had some runway with, I think, honestly, Chris, I was getting to the point where it was going to be scarier or it was going to be the bigger risk to not take the chance. If that makes sense, where you think it's like, gosh, I've been doing this, I've proven it works.
Like I think, I'm gonna have more regret down the line if I don't take this chance than if I do it and it doesn't work out. So it was almost the inverse of that. Once you got down to it where it's man I need to. Put myself in this uncomfortable position, make those moves where there might be a little bit more uncertainty, not having to live with, 10 years down the line being like, man, I wish I'd done that or I wonder what would have been like if I had done that, I think that made the decision that much easier.
Chris: 07:53
No doubt, man. You're going to do great things. You're definitely, you had that experience too, so you're not starting with a blank piece of paper. You kinda, plays at work. Also know how to execute them very well.
C. Luecke: 08:06
Yeah. It's and it's just practice like and better than anyone you do, you're doing a ton over there at EECO Asks why, I think interviewing is an underrated skill. It's one of those things you need to prepare for and the reality is just like anything. It's nothing that you're an expert with the first time you do it. It's just getting those reps in man and doing a lot of podcasts is a great way to make that happen.
Chris: 08:27
Yeah, no doubt. It definitely will. It will teach you a lot, just for listening standpoint too, it makes you be a much more in tune listener. If you host a podcast and cause then you have to really help navigate those conversations to best serve your guests as well as your audience is listening. Good stuff, man.
From Manufacturing Happy Hour, love the title, love the manufacturing that's in it cause that's obviously your focus. We're out here at EECO Asks Why we're supporting manufacturing too. You know what are you seeing that is changing the most in the way that you support manufacturing from a B2B perspective, if you will.
C. Luecke: 09:03
In terms of supporting manufacturing, like it is a B2B industry. And I think when it comes to doing digital media, like we're doing, whether it's a podcast, whether it's a video, whether it's stuff we post on social media, the reality is I see there being, this cool point in time where marketers need to become salespeople and salespeople need to become marketers. That's, especially, and being stuck at home for the past year. Ultimately really proved that. Where you need to the same way a sales person would block time to do a sales call, go visit a customer. Now they need to block time to let's say, post content on LinkedIn or respond to comments or do some prospecting through LinkedIn, things like that. Things that in the past someone might've been well that's marketing's job. The reality is at the end of the day, marketing and sales have the same goal. You're trying to grow your business. You're trying to drive sales. So I think that's where I see one of the biggest changes. One of the biggest evolutions is where and based on necessity, we had to do it. Salespeople had to do it. We're seeing that overlap in sales and marketing. We're seeing those lines blurred a little but more.
Chris: 10:15
No doubt. When you were talking, something popped in my head, cause it was come up in a couple of episodes and it was really coming up in some cyber security episodes. I'm going to make it, I'm going to make a connection here. People talk about IT, OT convergence. What I'm hearing you say is that sales, marketing convergence as well that's an opportunity. That's really where it's at and I'm not sure why the worlds are different, but they definitely are getting those lines are blurring. If not, can be in completely erased and having to serve your customers now, because if you're not, really straddling both sides of the fence or wanting to learn from both sides, man you're missing a big opportunity to serve people.
C. Luecke: 10:52
Yeah. Yeah, I think it just comes down to that common goal. Like it's interesting. In the past, I think maybe, and maybe this is unique to the manufacturing industry, people thought of marketing as, "Oh, that's events, that's trade shows," and things like that, but COVID gave us an opportunity to really reset that and say, "At the end of the day, the activities marketing is doing, they're just trying to grow sales."
They're trying to grow business and revenue the same way sales is as well. I shouldn't say the same way, that's the common goal. They're just using different tactics to do that. And now when everyone's working from home, we realized we can take tools from the marketing toolbox and put that in the sales toolbox and vice versa take tools from the sales toolbox and put it in the marketing tool.
Chris: 11:32
Yeah, no doubt. No doubt. Absolutely man. Again, thank you for that advice, that wisdom there and when you talk about podcasting and what's going on, there are a lot of people who start podcasts and I think I even heard, you mentioned a stat on one of your episodes where you're talking about the number, the percentage of a podcast that don't get past, was it four or 10 episodes? And they fall off. It was really high. It stood out to me as you can start off with a bang, but if you really don't have a good plan, so maybe talk to the people out there that are thinking about podcasting and when they think of a podcast, they have this vision in their mind. Like I want you to, just to debunk that for us.
C. Luecke: 12:09
I think that, that's a great question, Chris. And I think the first part of maybe, the first misconception around podcasting is that it's going to be easy. Like it's, it's doable. There's no doubt about that, but like anything worth doing it takes work. We already talked about that interviewing is not a throwaway skill. It's something you have to invest time and it's something that you hone and dial in over time. So interviewing is just part of it, but as like you and Adam over at EECO Asks Why it takes thought and effort and energy and time to plan out your content calendar, to prepare for the interviews, to produce and get the shows out there and then promote them afterwards. All of a sudden, a podcast which you might think was just one thing you had to do all of a sudden is these five things that you need to weave and work together to make it work out.
So I think that's the first thing I'd debunk around podcasting. And I liked that you brought up that stat because I think it is off the top of my head. It's like something like 10 or 12, like people get to 10 or 12 episodes before they pull they, around when they pull the plug. And it's usually not even pulling the plug. It just fades out. They're just like, "Oh, this was a lot of work I need to do life." Life comes at you. There are other things that are important you need to do, and it just kinda tapers off, but the other thing I would, try to debunk or try to save people from is look for the small wins when you're first starting to podcast.
I think a reason people fall off is that they're looking for, Joe Rogan, Gary Vaynerchuk level downloads. They're expecting this audience of hundreds, of thousands of people to come to you. And that's just not the case. The reality is, you're just looking, you're looking for the right audience, even if it is only a few hundred people and if you do it for even for those first 10 to 12 episodes, someone will reach out and be like, "Hey, I loved this in this episode or I took this away." So look for those small wins and find a way to have that be one of your catalysts to keep you going.
Chris: 14:03 No doubt, man. Absolutely. And I guess, when you're hosting the show and you're doing your thing and you're having that sense of fulfillment and joy in your work, what are you doing in those moments? What brings you that sense of joy?
I think... Wow, greatC. Luecke: 14:20 question. I think one of the things that always hits me and I don't think I've talked about this on a show before, but, sometimes when I'm getting ready for a podcast and I have all these other things in life and work that I need to do just, "Oh, the dishes are dirty," or I didn't get this email out to this customer. These other things are adding up. I'm just like, "I'm not necessarily in the mood to jump in and do a show." Sometimes, that I think that hits everyone. When even if they're doing a job you love like some days you're for whatever reason, your mind's just not in it, but every time I finish an episode I'm just like, "wow, I'm so glad I did that. That was a great conversation. I learned this and that, or I connected with this individual, I didn't know, on this level before." I think what, one of the things that, that keeps me going and brings that sense of fulfillment is just the positive feeling at an end of an interview. And as someone that's an extrovert that feeds off the energy of conversations like this, it's just something that, you know when we, end our conversation here at noon today, central time, I'm going to be pumped up for the rest of the day. That's going to translate to more productivity and the other things I'm doing after this.
And it's just that feeling at the end of recording an episode, I think that's one of the intangibles that keeps me going.
Chris: 15:34
I feel you and I'm with you a hundred percent. And until you're on this side of the mic that we're used to being on, I guess you can't really understand that. But man, I definitely a hundred percent with you on that. It's just, it really is a great feeling.
And I've also noticed on LinkedIn and you provide a lot of guidance to people starting podcast and starting new things and trying to give them advice and tips on how to get going. Have you, from a mentorship standpoint, have you found that to be fulfilling and maybe what where do you find that you're sharing on a consistent basis with people that are trying to start podcasts to serve whatever that industry that they're in?
C. Luecke: 16:11
Yeah, it definitely is one of the things that keeps me going it's funny. The first thing that popped up when you mentioned that was. You know what I'll talk social media here for just one second, when people are wondering what they should share on social to their networks, to their customers and things like that, I'm like just help people solve their challenges, help them solve their problems, share content that helps them address a need.
And for me, I've got that podcasting experience so I'll just share a tip on LinkedIn. It doesn't need to be anything quick, anything that intense or anything that long, it could just be something like we talked about before, like just saying, I could do a quick post saying, "Hey, interviewing is not a throwaway skill. It takes time. Just look at people like Larry King and Howard stern that have made careers out of it think about those people when you're preparing for your interviews." I know that was a bit of a roundabout way to answer your question, but yeah, absolutely. Just, and I think that's where.
I made the career move as well, where it was just like, I see an opportunity. I see an audience and a market for helping people be more effective with their messaging, whether it's through podcasting, social media, or video.
Chris: 17:18
No doubt, man. You're doing such a great job with that. When you look back through, through the guests that you've have, does anything stand out from what you've learned the most from someone or that, that advice that just really stands out that really impacted you? Any moments stand out or maybe like cool guests that just blew your mind with what they said.
C. Luecke: 17:37
Yeah. So the first thing that, and I've been fortunate to interview some really cool people. One of my earlier interviews was with Z Holly. Z Holly, she created the TEDx program, essentially. Like it was cool. It's been cool to sit across the table with people like that but, if I think of a lesson I've learned over the past year, and I think this translates to a lot of work, a common theme, I've heard through my podcast. And you mentioned cybersecurity earlier, this comes up on those episodes I do. It's that at the end of the day, the most you need people, processes and technology. To make things happen. That's especially true in the manufacturing industry, that's true for starting a podcast or that's true for really any work you're doing. And it goes in that order, you need the right people to get things done, and then you need the right processes and then you find the technology and the tools that make it easier.
And I know that's maybe a bit more techie of an answer than you might've been expecting, but it's just it w it's just been such a common theme, whether it's IT/OT convergence, like you mentioned, whether it's digital transformation, whether it's cybersecurity, I'm just like, this is all it's always the same answer.
It's it's there are different details to each one, but it's always people, processes and technology.
Chris: 18:51
That's awesome, man. How about, has it led to any opportunities? I know you were speaker I think it Content Marketing World. What types of opportunities has just running Manufacturing Happy Hour opened up for you outside of the podcast itself?
C. Luecke: 19:06
One of the things that I think... it's a door opener I think we've talked about this before in some of our conversations, and I want to make sure I phrase right, I'm not famous, but like the thing is when you talk to someone in our industry, for example, or when you're getting on a cold call with someone or a new customer, they're like, "Oh yeah, I've heard you on this podcast before," or, "Hey, I listened to Manufacturing Happy Hour."
So you build up that credibility over time to a wider audience rather than having to do it just one-on-one the whole time, cause I don't know even why fame, because I was trying to figure out the right word for it, but just like you're able to-- the fact that you're doing this work on a consistent basis, you're able to influence people on a regular basis in that regard. That's really what I was trying to say.
Chris: 19:54
Hey, man, you're famous to us, man. So I'm cool with sticking with famous, but yeah, that influence is big. Really. Cause that's what you are. You're an influencer, you're helping people and you just, you're doing great stuff and with the hero episodes, what I love Chris and if it's okay, we get off the career path and we talked a little bit outside of work and just let our listeners learn more about you. How about get us started with, you mentioned you're a music guy and you had played in some bands earlier, but just curious, any hobbies you have.
C. Luecke: 20:21
Yeah. Music is I definitely want to be one of them like I'm, I've been a big punk rock guy ever since I was 15 years old, I feel like whatever you listen to in high school sticks with you for the rest of your life, that like that becomes your genre. I play guitar actually, one of the benefits of being at home for the past year was actually got to pick up the guitar again because I would be traveling, like anyone I was traveling around for work.
I didn't have as much leisure time to do some of those hobby type, a type of activities but guitar, music is certainly one of them. Another fun one that I don't probably, I probably don't talk enough about on podcast is I'm a big roller coaster junkie. I in fact, that's why I originally got my engineering degree because I wanted to design roller coasters, that was my dream job. And then I realized. I liked being more of a sales person, more of a marketer than being an engineer, to be an engineer that designs rollercoasters you need to be an engineer first. And I figured out my strengths and passions over time. So that's neither here nor there, but man, do I still love riding roller coasters.
My ultimate Time sink activity. There's a cool website called rollercoasterdatabase.com. Man, you can look at pictures and stats of every rollercoaster around the world. If I want to waste an hour of my life, I shouldn't say waste, but if I want an hour of my life to disappear quicker than I would think rollercoaster database. That's a great procrastination activity of mine.
Chris: 21:44
Okay. So you're that type of junkie. So what's your top one or two coasters that you've rode man.
C. Luecke: 21:50
Yeah. Yeah. Good question. There is a super tall rollercoaster, it's 200 feet tall. It's called a hyper-coaster, meaning it breaks 200 feet called Superman out in Six Flags, New England, but I'll throw something out that probably more listeners are familiar with. One of my favorite places in the world is an amusement park in Sandusky, Ohio called Cedar Point. It's a peninsula on Lake Erie with some of the raddest roller coasters you've ever imagined. It is a playground for any roller coaster junkie.
Chris: 22:21
Man. That is awesome. I've I don't share the same sentiment around roller coasters, but I can appreciate that you're passionate about them, man. That's awesome.
C. Luecke: 22:30
Polarizing activity. If you don't like heights, rollercoasters probably aren't for you. People seem to be on one end of the spectrum or another, they will love him or it's I can do without him.
Chris: 22:39
I'm on the other end, but that's okay.
C. Luecke: 22:41
Yeah. That's fair. That's fair. Yeah, those, and then obviously craft beer. I'd say it would round out another hobby of mine. Manufacturing Happy Hour, there had to be a beer time.
Chris: 22:50
There you go. How about family? We love EECO Asks Why we feel like we're a family at EECO in general, not just with the clients we serve. Anything you'd like to share about your family?
C. Luecke: 22:59
Yeah. I'm one of three siblings. I've got a brother that's out in New York City, a sister that lives in Melbourne, Australia.
And my parents still back home in St. Louis, Missouri, where I'm originally from. Funny thing that happened in the past year was I actually. I am now the closest to home, now that I live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, which is still a six hour drive from St. Louis, but it's far closer than San Francisco was.
Our parents instilled us with an adventurous spirit early on, not only in our personal lives, but in our careers as well. So that's been a real gift. I think back to, when I would watch my dad, when I was a kid growing up, I'd wake up early in the morning to wave goodbye to my dad when he was leaving for work. He was a teacher and an administrator at a high school for his whole career. I'd wake up early to wave to him at 6:00 AM, 5:30 AM, whatever it was, and then go back to bed, but I feel like that is one of the things that impacted my hard working spirit that I've had throughout my career, just seeing someone get up for work every day, go to a job they love. I think that was a tremendous impact that I learned from my parents.
Chris: 24:04
Thank you for sharing that with our listeners. And how about, I know you're a podcast guy, your YouTube, you have a lot of things going on there too, any podcasts, and it could just be personal or it could be business or YouTube channels, books, things like that, that you find value in that you think listeners may enjoy?
C. Luecke: 24:21
Yeah. I'll share a book right off the bat cause I do listen, it's funny, the podcasts that I listen to a really niche. Like I went to Marquette University and I listen to a Marquette basketball podcast, things like that. So rather than go to the podcast route, something that I think for this audience, my favorite book that I don't think I've talked about on podcasts enough is by Keith Ferazi, it's a book called 'Never Eat Alone' and it talks about the power of relationships. It has some great tactics for keeping in touch in an authentic way, whether that's a personal connection or professional connection 'Never Eat Alone' is probably my favorite self-help business book that I've ever read.
Chris: 25:00
Okay. I'm going to have to get that man. And I haven't had to read that one. So it's on the list now.
C. Luecke: 25:05
It's a good one. It's a real easy read. And hopefully as trade shows come back has a lot of great tips in there for how to maximize, I think it's called how to be a trade show guru or like a King of the trade show or whatever it is like to really maximize your impact when you're there. So it's got some cool chapters in there for sure.
Chris: 25:23
That's awesome, man. We'll link that up for our listeners too, in the show notes. So you can check that out. One thing we started doing Chris, and maybe you'll be willing to play along as a lightning round asking random stuff, man. So just answer at will. If you want to pass, I may give you one pass, but.
C. Luecke: 25:41
I am so here for this. I'm up for the challenge, Chris.
Chris: 25:43
All right, man. So let's start with, got to start here with you since you're the host of Manufacturing Happy Hour. So favorite adult beverage, man.
C. Luecke: 25:51
Oh man, craft beer. My favorite beer is from 4 Hands Brewing Co. in St. Louis, Missouri. It's called City Wide Pale Ale. It's the perfect mix of drinkability and flavor.
Chris: 26:01
Okay. All right. Okay so City Wide Pale Ale. There you go. How about, so you're from St. Louis. I'm curious, like favorite sports teams.
C. Luecke: 26:09
I'm really into the St. Louis Blues right now, you know what you know, having watched them my whole life and then seeing them finally win a Stanley Cup in 2019. They are certainly my top interests sports.
Chris: 26:19
Okay. Okay. How about a all-time favorite movie?
C. Luecke: 26:23
Ooh, gosh, that is a great question. I think Office Space, I finally came to the realization that it's just such a classic, like it ages so well. I wrote a blog article two years ago on the 20th anniversary of the movie called '20 Business Lessons We Can Still Learn From Office Space 20 Years Later'. It's amazing how well that movie has aged, even though technology has changed a little bit. All of the things they spoof or critique in that movie are still exactly the same.
Chris: 26:51
Oh, that's nice. Nice. How about, I'm curious with your punk rock answer earlier. How about music or bands?
C. Luecke: 26:57
Favorite band. So there's a band called New Found Glory. They've been around for over 20 years. They're what you'd call a pop punk band. I have seen them 21 times live throughout my music going career. This is over the course of 18 years or so to be clear, but that's a lot for a single band.
Chris: 27:14
Okay. That is a lot. You're definitely supporting them.
C. Luecke: 27:17
Yeah. Oh yeah.
Chris: 27:18
I'm sure you had a few beverages there while you were at those concerts, right?
C. Luecke: 27:23
Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. The craft beer selection at these shows has gotten better over the years. For sure.
Chris: 27:28
Nice. Now with any beer, you have to pair it with a good food. So what's your favorite food man?
C. Luecke: 27:33
Favorite food? I'm pretty American in this regard. I love a good burger. I love searching for the best burger in a new city when I'm somewhere. Some unique things like toasted ravioli is a unique St. Louis, a Italian appetizer. I'm going to, I'm going to give my kudos to toasted ravioli and hamburgers is my go-to.
Chris: 27:52
There you go. And the last two, cause I think I've heard you talk about on your show. You're a pretty big traveler. You like to get out. You like to see the world where's the best place you've ever been? And then also where would you like to go that you haven't been to yet?
C. Luecke: 28:07
Wow. So as far as my favorite spots, I have a top 10 list. I feel really lucky that San Francisco was one of my favorite cities in the world. I got to live there for five and a half years. Berlin, Germany, and Montreal, Canada are two other favorites that are near the top of that list.
Chris: 28:24
That is awesome.
C. Luecke: 28:26
And as far as spots, I still want to go, I'm going to keep it a little close, slightly closer to home right now. It's still across the border, but Oaxaca, Mexico. I've been to Mexico city. Love that spot, just, huge city, a lot of fun, great cuisine I've hear Oaxaca is just one of the best places to go to eat some of the best food in the world. So Oaxaca, Mexico.
Chris: 28:46
Got you. Okay, man. You crushed the lightning round with your podcast background, but man, that was a lot of fun. Thank you, Chris. Because it really gives our listeners a little more insight to who you are, right?
C. Luecke: 28:58
Yeah, no, that was good. I need to, and you're giving me some ideas, Chris, I need to incorporate some of that back into my show. We've gotten so focussed and it's been good. We still get to hear people's stories, but that was a lot of fun. I liked that.
Chris: 29:10
Cool man. Cool. We always wrap the show up with the Why too, Chris. We call it EECO Asks Why and that's what I'm passionate about. The passion what drives people. And so if somebody was to come up to you and maybe they're in your favorite pub or your favorite bar, and they want to know what Chris Luecke's why is, what's your answer going to be?
C. Luecke: 29:28
I think why comes down to, I want to help people create the things that have always been inside of them waiting to get out. For me, podcasting has been a great medium for that, but I feel like a lot of people have a hobby or a dream or something they've always wanted to do in their career.
Something they've always wanted to create that for whatever reason they just haven't done it yet. Haven't done it yet. I want to help people get business results. I want to help people bring in new clients. That's all part of the game, but I also want to help people create content and create solutions that they're proud of. I think that's my why and I haven't gotten to articulate it like that in a while. So thank you for that question, Chris.
Chris: 30:09
To back up your why with an answer, you're crushing it and you're doing a great job. You've provided a lot of inspiration for me, just watching what you're doing. I've learned so much just listening to you and watching and even reaching out and asking you've been very receptive to offering advice and I wish you nothing, but the best blessings for you in the future, man. Manufacturing Happy Hour continued growth. So just thank you for what you're doing to serve industry.
C. Luecke: 30:33
Likewise, Chris, thanks so much for having me on.
Chris: 30:36
Absolutely. Thank you, sir.
C. Luecke: 30:37
Chris: 30:41
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